Child wedding gift ♡

   Edad mínima
2 años


  • Antifaces en doble fieltro de diferentes colores cosidos artesanalmente (NOVEDAD)
  • Globos blancos (con luz LED opcional)
  • Cajitas de lápices de colores
  • Ilustraciones para colorear
  • Pompero de jabón

Elige los extras que te gustaría añadir y no olvides actualizar el número exacto de unidades en tu cesta de la compra! 

Anota al final de tu pedido si existe alguna intolerancia, podemos preparar tus golosinas sin azúcares, sin gluten..ningún niño sin caramelos!

13,00 €

You can add the following to your magic box

Elige tu corona

Indícanos tus datos

Fecha celebración

If there are children invited to your wedding, we make it easy for you to create a happy zone easily and comfortably by simply opening Bobbidi Boo! a magic box ...

Weddings are a unique event for the little ones. They play, dance, have fun with other children ... 

Bobbidi Boo! Wedding kit includes:

Colored felt mask
White balloons
Colored pencils
Coloring illustrations
Soap bubble recipient

You can add to your magic box:

- candy pot made by The Candy Company

- Djeco temporary tattoos

- white balloons with Led light inside

- colored play silk

- serpentine ribbon with wooden handle


Do not hesitate to contact us in case you need for a certain number of children. Our kits are customized, we can adapt to your needs

In your box Bobbidi Boo! They include masks and beautiful colored fabrics that can tie as a layer, skirt, make them fly to the wind as a flag ... magic fabrics that will make them have fun, dream and imagine.

Also included are soap bubbles for each child, white balloons that will fly and at the same time decorate the party. You could not miss the illustrations to paint, colored pencils, temporary tattoos and some sweets.

With Bobbidi Boo! The children will also have a blast and remember that special day!


Weddings with invited children, children and weddings, family wedding, wedding with children, weddings and celebrations with children, a beautiful wedding, party

Colored felt mask
White balloons (with optional Led light)
Colored pencils
Coloring illustrations
Soap bubble recipient

You can add to your magic box:

- candy pot made by The Candy Company

- Djeco temporary tattoos

- colored play silk

- serpentine ribbon with wooden handle